Amen on not paying scalper prices.

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Friday, February 22, 2013, 09:09 (4238 days ago) @ cubrock

An old acquaintance in KC called last week to tell me he had 3-4K of 7.62x39 he was willing to part with. Turns out he's buying it up at current prices and flipping it to panic gun-show buyers. Basically he had spam cans of 1260 for $825.00 or Wolf FMJ for $7.50 a box- my price. Everybody else, he was charging 2-3 bucks more per hundred. I couldn't help but laugh when he got stuck with the spam can, which was selling around $250 before the current stupidity.

Tula 7.62x39 FMJ is beginning to surface again. This is good, accurate ammo and I prefer it to random FMJ in that caliber.

Until things normalize I am waging unconventional warfare on the ammo shortage. By contacting friends who I knew had sold a SKS, AK or Mini 30 in the last couple of years, I scored about 300 rounds of Wolf FMJ in the last 3 weeks, all under WalMart prices. And of course I'm grabbing a few boxes of Tula from them too, whenever they have it.

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