The Troys may be great....

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Saturday, February 09, 2013, 00:06 (4251 days ago) @ rob

but I have pretty well banned folding sights from Dept. approved, officer-owned carbines.

I did this because our qualification standard requires 4/5 headshots standing unsupported at 50 yards and 8/10 in an 8" bull at 100 yards from sitting, prone or an improvised rest; all with irons. Now I know that sounds ridiculously easy to old riflemen, but these kids were bolting BUIS and all kinds of other acronym shit all over their guns and failing to qualify.

So I took a couple of their rifles out and shot them myself at 100 & 200 yards. I discovered, much to my amazement, that the cheaper flip up BUIS has as much as 5" or windage error because of wobble in the rear sight. I could simply push the sight to the left, before each shot, and 100 yard groups would close by 3-4 inches.

The good news is that since they are using an A2 or equivalent rear sight, the long line scores have improved dramatically. The very best news is that I finally convinced the city to buy Sig 556's for each black & white ;)

I am with Hobie on his recommendation. Find whatever works for you and use it. I'll only suggest that you don't let the 'go fast' BS rob you of fine accuracy.

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