IMO, the original M16 sights are rugged and all the add

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Friday, February 08, 2013, 19:59 (4251 days ago) @ rob

on stuff that goes along with the flat-tops is second best in that regard even if they aren't likely to break. Get a sight that you can see that works for you in the environment in which you expect to use the rifle. Don't worry about the cachet attached to certain sights, optical or not, worry about whether or not they work for you.

I'm not a fan of tritium sights. I find that when I can see the sights in the dark I often can't see the target. You've got to see both for the sights to work. Lacking a mortar to fire illumination rounds, a starlight scope would be a good bet. That comes from actually trying to hit things in the dark.

I personally would steer away from plastics. I have folding sights on my flat-top because even though it has a scope sight, I'm realistic enough to realize that Mister Murphy rides in my back pocket. Not that anything is likely to break, but if it is always better to have it and not need it.



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