Cancer, shmanser, as long as you have your health...

by pokynojoe, Friday, February 01, 2013, 08:45 (4259 days ago) @ lee jurras

All kidding aside, join the club. I too am a member of the "world" of Gleason scores, proton radiation, regular radiation, surgery, do nothing, lions and tigers and bears Oh my! So many choices.

I'm sure you already know this, but from the stage you describe (i.e. "High Grade"), you're probably going to have to have a bone scan. Once that's clear, and it will be, (just another test to "line" the doctors pockets), then you'll have to make a decision, which treatment course to follow.

As it happens, It's looking like I chose wrongly. So I guess if I were you, I wouldn't listen to a word I say. However, the treatment that I wanted, my insurance wouldn't pay for, so my choices were limited anyway. If my insurance would have coughed up the dough, I would have chosen to have Proton radiation therapy, everything I've read, shows it to be the "bees knees" if you will, when it comes to cancer treatment.

At your age, I assume you have medicare, so, not to worry, it will pay for any course of treatment you select. You live in Texas, I believe, so you also have access to cutting edge treatment, and arguably some of the best medical facilities in the world. I live in Appalachia, with no money, questionable medical facilities, and crappy insurance. Many around here that I personally know that have been diagnosed with cancers end up going to M.D. Andersen in Houston. Five of my neighbors that work at Oak Ridge National Labs have been diagnosed with different cancers and that's were they go, but of course, the government is paying for their treatment.

If it sounds like I'm bitter, I'm really not. And my diagnosis was really no surprise to me. My father had it, uncles had it, heck even male dogs I've owned get it, so its kind of all around me.

Looking back, I realize now, that I was too cavalier about the whole process, but I'm basically a dumb ass, you're a smart guy, you won't make the same mistakes I did.

Good luck, and if I can be of any assistance as you journey through the process, let me know.

Oh, just one last thing, to keep in mind. My experience was that in meeting with the various and sundry specialists, before choosing a course of treatment, was that they all had an "agenda." But that may just be particular to the doctors around here, whom I'm sure wouldn't be practicing in this "jerk-water" town, if they actually graduated from an accredited medical school.

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