Coincidence.....don.t believe....Rossi's at Steve's Guns

by Gila Jorge, Monday, January 28, 2013, 12:37 (4263 days ago) @ Gila Jorge

Mr. Wilson,

I am Sari Young, Steve's wife and the only other person besides Steve in our organization. I am sorry to hear about your credit card problem, but it did not originate at our business. When you order something from our website, the card number or any other information pertaining to the card is not transmitted to us. It goes to a secure site with Quickbooks which only tells us that the purchase has been approved. I do not have your credit card number or any information about your credit card. I don't know how anyone got your card and do not even know where Brentwood is. I'll give the information to Steve but be assured, no matter what you think, neither Steve's Gunz, nor Steve nor I would be able to use your credit card. I am sorry for the inconvenience.

Sari Young
Steve's Gunz

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