Another question on hog hunting........

by esisk @, Monday, January 28, 2013, 00:01 (4263 days ago) @ Byron

If you can Bench press 250 lbs. Do curls with 60 lb dumbells. Sprint 880 yards without sucking wind through every orifice of your body. GO FOR IT! Make sure there are catch dogs as well as bay dogs and approach from the rear. A razor sharp 1969 M16 bayonet works quite well.:-Db If it is a big truly wild boar 250 lbs plus you have to slit there throat. I have a buddy who is 6'3" a former marine and in pretty good shape still. He could not drive his razor sharp K-Bar through a 295 pound boars sheild in three tries finally slit its throat. Everyone should experience it at least once.

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