Another question on hog hunting........

by Gunner @, St Louis, Sunday, January 27, 2013, 19:49 (4263 days ago) @ Byron

While I have not knife hunted a hog I have hunted enough hogs to know that it is very risky, not only for the hunters and but the dogs also. Even a small 50-60 lbs hog can and will do a lot of damage. I saw a hog hunting dog have his underside opened up by a chased hog, with one swipe of it's tusk,the dog did not survive. A ranch manager at a place I hunted in central Missouri had his leg opened up from his ankle to knee by a sneak attack by female hog, only can imagine what she would have done if scared after being chased by a pack of dogs.

Up close and personal handgun hunting a hog can be very exciting but dangerous too, if you decide to knife hunt a hog you'd better be very strong, quick, accurate with the knife and have a big set to do it. Oh and good medical coverage in case things get too western : (


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