Internal box mag vs. detachable.

by FOG, Wednesday, January 16, 2013, 11:37 (4275 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I felt the same way until I got my Steyr Scout. I even thought detachable mags were a 'bad' idea when I was purchasing it.

Then, I took the gun afield for some walk-and-stalk ground squirrel hunting in the mountains. On a typical day, this might involve as many as 80 shots, all of which you 'had' to carry with you (or at least one might carry them). Under these conditions, I found the detachable mags vastly superior to the internal box type, and I was only using two of them, not a basket full.

So, for me, it was a 'lesson learned', as the facts thoroughly defeated my feelings on the matter. I would still probably say detachables are no advantage for things like big game hunting, but for all-around use I think they are at least worth considering (or trying).

Just to 'complete' the story, I should probably add that I had to give up 'big-bore' riflery a few years ago, so I no longer have my Steyr.

I thought about getting one in .223, but that just wouldn't do. :-D


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