Ruger Scout Rifle

by Otony, Tuesday, January 15, 2013, 23:36 (4275 days ago) @ Dave B

I want one of the newer versions myownself.

Funny thing, not sure if any of y'all will remember this but a few years before the Ruger Scout rifle was introduced I proposed building a similar rifle using a 77 short action. I wanted a walnut or laminate stock, good peep sights, and chamber it to .308, sort of like a Scout but without the forward rail and detachable magazine.

There was not one positive post in regards to that idea, and I was soundly lectured on how unsuitable the 77 action was for any kind of accurate work. While it certainly isn't a match rifle action, the howls of disapproval made it sound no better than a '93 Mauser. Maybe worse:banghead:

Fast forward to the intro of the Scout rifle and all of a sudden the tune has changed. It is a light saber now, able to cut time and space. Who woulda thunk?

BTW Dave, this isn't directed at you. FYI, I have two each of the 3-round and 5-round mags coming from Brownells. I honestly would have preferred a conventional magazine, but the package is too useful to ignore. Just waiting for the longer tubed version to show up in left-hand and I am ready!


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