I hope you ordered a 7-rounder...

by FOG, Sunday, January 13, 2013, 03:10 (4278 days ago) @ Dave B

The 'old standard' Wilson 8-round mag has a good, well-deserved reputation for reliability, but there is no denying that the skirt on the follower is a little on the short side, and the spring is a compromise in terms of strength. Both of these can add up to trouble.

JMB spec'd a 7-round mag for a reason: It fits in the mag well, and it still has some room for 'error.'

The same cannot be said for 8-round mags that have more or less standard-length tubes.

If you ordered one of the new-fangled Wilson 8-rounders with the slightly extended tube, then I suppose 'good on ya.'

If not, well... :-P


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