RE: Cylinder should rotate freely

by FOG, Saturday, January 05, 2013, 13:15 (4286 days ago) @ Bj2

The cylinder rotates freely when everything is in its place.

It doesn't when:
• the base pin is withdrawn,
• the base pins gets slightly out of hand and rotates a bit,
• the flange of the base pin "jams" up against the barrel as described.

I think you'd be surprised how easily this happens with this gun. I know I was.

When it is is withdrawn, the base pin flops around like a wet noodle in the forward aperture of the frame. The tolerances are very poor.

In addition, detailed inspection reveals abnormal wear of the screw fixing the ejector rod shroud to the barrel. The screw slot is pretty worn compared to the rest of the gun, indicating the previous owner probably had the same problem arise.

So, the question remains whether Belt Mountain Base Pins are "oversize" and whether one might help solve this problem.

Thank you for your interest. :-)


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