So you have the 525 sporting clays model?

by jgt, Thursday, January 03, 2013, 09:30 (4288 days ago) @ Paul

The lable on the end of the box said Citori Lightning and under that Sporting Clays. Mine was comfortable to shoot and seemed to me to have better pattarns than my 101 Winchesters. I used it for hunting. I always favored number six shot for most everything. I thought it held it's patterns in the wind better than the smaller shot. For geese and pheasants I used BB because they were still where they fell when I got there, instead of running off and hiding.

As a gun used for hunting and competition I think these are ideal. The only thing I would change for my use were I to do it again is choose the shorter barrel length. I got the 30" barrels because my old 101 had 30" barrels, three inch chambers, full and full chokes. That gun was so deadly for chucker, partridge, geese, and pheasants, I nicknamed it "Ole Bitter". My other 101 was a 26" imp/mod and was great for dove and quail. I sold the two 101's and bought the Browning to replace them. It worked out well for that role but If I was doing it today I would probably try the 28" barrels. I never patterned it on paper to see if it was really shooting better than the 101 and have since gifted it to my nephew. He seems to really like it.

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