Cheap spanish doubles

by Paul ⌂, Wednesday, January 02, 2013, 12:36 (4289 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

They have imported some cheap Turkish pumps - and are selling them for about what the above mentioned double is selling for, we're getting a discount over what they USUALLY mark up their imports. Shucks, they brought in some Sig 9mms a while back and only charged themselves about 6 times what they cost in the U.S. - someone's getting a kickback somewhere, somehow. I'd have brought something in a long time back if I could, that's for sure. I put a PCP rifle along with a Hill brand pump and a multipump pistol in a case and brought 'em down - they got snagged by customs at the airport even though the law is on my side. Now to wait for my appeal to run the channels. If it'd been a firearm I'd be involved in prison ministry about now. :-D I was promised a flintlock by a friend but it didn't come about or it too would be sitting in customs waiting for the appeal to run its course. Wish I'd gone ahead and picked up a lock from TOTW but waited for the rifle and then time ran out. Maybe next time.

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