Gunbroker frustration.....

by Warhawk, Hot Springs, Arkansas, Thursday, December 27, 2012, 21:08 (4295 days ago) @ Otony

I had been thinking about thinning the herd on my AR-15s anyway, and this latest buying frenzy is the perfect opportunity. So I listed a few on GB and sat back for the ride.

I got tons of questions, ranging from uninformed to WTF? I had one guy who was convinced that an AR-15 pistol was illegal and emailed me several times to tell me. I also had all kinds of questions, from "will you end the auction early" to technical questions. Funny thing is that as far as I can tell, NONE of the questioners ever bid on anything, certainly none of them had a winning bid.

I also had several bidders with no feedback. I could have blocked them, but I figured they might be new to guns and buying because of the current frenzy. I wound up with two "no feedback bidders" who won auctions, and lo and behold I can't get a response from either one.

On the plus side, the ARs brought prices that I wouldn't have believed two weeks ago. Nothing really outrageous, but for example, a plain jane home built PSA AR brought $1400. Of course the winner was a no feedback buyer.

I'll give them a couple of days then re-list and hope the buying frenzy continues.

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