Store Front?....

by Otony, Thursday, December 27, 2012, 19:44 (4295 days ago) @ D Sikes

No store front and no FFL any longer. I used to have one, but gave it up years ago as too much trouble.

Nowadays the majority of my sales are simply the result of horse-swapping firearms, but any gun I sell is done in accordance with all laws, state and federal.

I try to keep gun sales to a minimum, only a few per year, I prefer to sell accessories. Mostly trying to reduce the stuff here to a manageable amount. The lowers were simply a result of buying a few to stash several weeks ago, and seeing an opportunity to cash up instead of losing money. It's like hobby farming, I don't usually see much profit, but that is simply poor marketing on my part. I will admit to having done ok over the last month or two, but those lowers helped a lot.


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