I had a little incident a couple of years ago

by Cannon @, Thursday, December 27, 2012, 13:27 (4295 days ago) @ Byron

that cured me of any desire to kill a deer with a knife.

I was helping my brother-in-law follow up a deer we knew would be dead when we found it. He had put an arrow through the chest 2 hours earlier, and there were large puddles of blood, complete with chunks of lung. The fact it might still be alive didn't occur to us until we shined our spotlight into a little patch of woods to see it lying right along the property line with its head up looking at us.

To make a long story short, I ended up on its head, with a knee on each beam, and Billy on its back with a knife. When he stuck the knife in that deer, it decided it was going to stand up, and almost succeeded. Things got kind of exciting for a few seconds.


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