
by Byron, Thursday, December 27, 2012, 11:53 (4295 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I know that is the way that Grandpa did it but that does not make it right....

A wounded deer is extremely dangerous...deer attacks kill more Americans than bears...

Unless it is clear the animal will not live more than another minute a pistol shot from behind at the base of the skull is appropriate....

.22 is plenty for that.....

Please note that I am not adverse to plenty of dangerous stuff that really is unneccessaray....still....I like to know what I am getting into, the deck stacked and pick the battles real carefully....just don't walk up flat footed....

No stabbing deer...unless that is how you are hunting them.....

Some years ago, Mr. Linebaugh told me about hunting big boars in the South....they ran them with dogs until they came to bay and then waded in and stabbed the pig to death with a Bowie knive...John said it did not get any more exciting than that...


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