Somehow, I cannot believe . . .

by Harry O-1, Thursday, December 27, 2012, 10:38 (4295 days ago) @ Kentucky

I agree with you entirely, but evidently the people who make the decisions here don't. And, they have found enough Policemen (or in this case, a Policewoman) who are willing to be targets.

BTW, we also had a shooting at a shopping center here a while back. A number of people were killed by a drug addled kid with an AD-47 (no, really, it actually was one, not just bad reporting). They had unarmed "guards" there, too. Those guards also turned and ran when they saw the shooter with a gun. I don't blame them as much since they were NOT police. They were probably minimum wage morons who didn't want to die (I worked as one for about three months many years ago when I was between real jobs). On the other hand, I expect the police NOT to run from trouble.

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