Question about armed police is schools....

by Harry O-1, Wednesday, December 26, 2012, 09:36 (4296 days ago)

We had a shooting in a high-school about 3-block from my home a few years ago. Both of my kids went to that HS. It did not get much national publicity because the killer (a student who was in trouble about illegal drugs and had been suspended) did not kill a bunch of kids. He only shot the Assistant Principals. The killer was actually after the Principal, but he was out. Then the killer had the decency to kill himself.

What I noticed about the reports was that the very first person the killer ran into when he entered the school was a “school resource officer”. The officer was unarmed and took off running as soon as she saw the kid with guns. I learned from the reports that the “resource officer” was a sworn Policeman, paid for through the police department (not the school), and that there was one in each high school in town. Then I learned that EVERY one of the “resource officers” was unarmed.

What the hell good is an police officer who is unarmed? Is this done anywhere else? BTW, the police and the schools looked at the unarmed policy after the shooting and both decided not to change it. The same thing could happen again tomorrow.

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