I think this relates to the recent school murders...

by Gunner @, St Louis, Sunday, December 16, 2012, 20:45 (4306 days ago) @ Hobie

This is a classic example of people putting theirs heads in the sand.......Since when did the NRA shoot up a school, support crazy people shooting up schools etc etc etc. Another example is people who have a family member killed by a drunk driver and blame the beer company. Is she afraid someone will hate the family because her dad liked guns? She apparently doesn't like guns because her father gave them away instead leaving them to family members. She is upset about the events in Newtown and who isn't but she is wrong to ask you to remove the picture, too blame the NRA and personally I think she is the type of person that is bringing down this country, minority opinion wanting the majority to conform to their beliefs.

who blames the shooter not the gun.

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