I think this relates to the recent school murders...

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Sunday, December 16, 2012, 19:05 (4306 days ago)

I have posted on my blog about an old family friend of whom my mom had photos. These photos were of him, in uniform, in the early/mid '50s (between 1951 & 1955). I had posted them there because, #1 he was a friend of my mom, #2 my mom was in one of the photos, #3 another friend of my mom was in the photo (her Maid of Honor at her wedding) and #4 'cause I always liked the guy. A couple of month's later his oldest child, his daughter, contacted and thanked me for the kind thoughts, images and stories. Although we'd met at least 3 times she had no idea who I was. We had a pleasant e-mail conversation about her dad that tapered off after about 2 weeks. Suddenly, after the events this past week, she writes telling me that her dad was about peace and love and had given away his guns before he died (killed by drunk pot smoking kids FWIW) and that she wished I'd remove the post so that he wouldn't be tied to the NRA. FURTHER, she said, "It is apparent that you are passionate about guns. I encourage you to look at balance in your life as well: to find other passions too. Our father appreciated and instilled in us a love of nature: to look at the rhythms of the forest and to learn from the beauty of life."

Well, I've been stewing on this. I didn't want to be too quick to reply and to unnecessarily insult or belittle her. BUT, this seems to me to be a direct response to the recent events, projection of her own feelings onto her father, and completely out of bounds as it is MY blog. It is my opinion that "if you have got to ask, you'll never understand" and that any explanation of why I enjoy shooting or of my numerous other interests would simply be wasted time. As you can tell, this bugs the crap out of me. She twice mentions the NRA and I know that has to be the sticking point.

You are all intelligent and thoughtful people. Many of you have been around a while. What say you?



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