by Byron, Friday, December 14, 2012, 20:38 (4308 days ago) @ Wildcat

Unless one has read LTC Grossman's books "On Killing" and "Combat" they probably do not truely grasp the impact that lethal interperson violence has on people and just what is involved in moving one from function to the crazed position of mass murderer.

Armed combat through WWII clearly showed that only 20% of troops would shoot at the enemy...they just could not bring themselves to do it...

Study in force multiplyers showed that shifting training from shooting at bulleyes across a grassy field to realistic "practical" shooting changed the head space of our troops to the point that in Korea 50% would shoot, in Viet Nam 75% would shoot and presently ALMOST ALL American troops will shoot without hesitation if given just a chance....

This is due to a shift in training from marksmanship to killing...this presently PREFECTED through the high tech "1st person shooter" video games...

The solution here is to stop the training of childen to be mass murderers through violent 1st person video games and to protect the population from psycos by putting them on the other side of a tall fence....


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