RMM stats

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Friday, December 14, 2012, 17:32 (4308 days ago) @ brionic


Before investing in any theory or propaganda, enlightened administrators and trainers should exclusively examine only successful aborts. “Stopping the killing” only occurs in slightly over half of “Rapid Mass Murder”© incidents. Significant, documented, verifiable, and repeatable research has identified what strategies and tactics work in stopping the killing. In summary, they are:

1. Citizens, mostly unarmed, perform two thirds of all “Rapid Mass Murder”© aborts.

2. In citizen aborts, initiation by a single citizen stops the killing eight out of ten times. (Too Vague we KNOW that several of these have been stopped by Armed citizens including the one my wife was at RL)

3. Law enforcement performs one third of all “Rapid Mass Murder”© aborts.

4. In law enforcement aborts, initiation by a single officer stops the killing seven out of 10 times.

Where do RMMs occur?

38% Schools, (Pre-school and K-12)

17% Colleges and Universities

10% Church/Religious facility

8% Restaurant/Coffee House

6% Mall/Shopping Center

4% Hospital/Nursing Home

3% Military Base/Facility, tied with Bus Stop/Train


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