Ranger UP!

by Byron, Sunday, December 02, 2012, 06:21 (4320 days ago)
edited by Byron, Sunday, December 02, 2012, 06:32

We recieved this short note from one of Caitlyn's classmates from the Military Acadamy. They had attended high school together and we always thought highly of him as we watched him grow up. After they commissioned he was 11Bravo and she Intel with Combat Aviation Brigade. When she was killed we lost track of him although we saw his folks sometimes in town and they said he was doing well and loving his new life.

We heard that he fell out during the 12 mile ruck on the third day the first try at Ranger School with a foot injury and took his second run in the November class. He wrote:

"As I sat in an open field in the dead of night (on my little sisters birthday) soaking wet and trying to stay awake to avoid hypothermia, I realized one very simple fact. How selfish my reasons for a Ranger tab are. I have always wanted it for some sense of identity that I seemed to think would prove something to people. In that moment I lost my reason to get the tab. Over the next four days I suf
fered and asked my self repeatedly why I hadn't quit yet. I said I'll just go to the end of Darby and when they drop me I won't even care and I'll just go home. The day came and they told me my fate.. I was moving on to Mountains phase. Even God won't let me quit. He just wanted me to stop being so self centered. I'm on my way to Mountains to finish what I've started. Not for me. Because God didn't make me a quitter. Thank you all so much for your prayers and support. I have needed every last prayer so far."

With young men like this, this country still has hope. Wish Cait could be around to see him get his tab. She is so proud. Get some.


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