Gun Show.

by JLF @, Wednesday, November 21, 2012, 10:44 (4331 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I was standing in line for a gunshow some years back. I didn't have a gun with me, so my pay admission line was next to the line with people waiting to get their guns checked and tied. I casually looked down the line and saw an ancient old geezer in his cowboy duds, sporting a cap & ball Colt(or clone) in a belt and holster rig. Something bright caught my eye, and I looked closer to see his sixgun sporting a full cylinder of caps! I was at the front of my line, and he was several poeple away from getting his gun checked, so I moved along, chuckling at the thought of the old coot handing his sixgun over to some greenhorn city cops to be tied.:) I didn't hear any chatter about it, and nothing went bang, so I suppose they all figured out a way.


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