Black powder

by esisk @, Tuesday, November 20, 2012, 23:16 (4332 days ago)

Working on a couple of front stuffers for a friend. One is a CVA Stalker with a broken nipple. Darn hard metal that, but was able to use a small carbide center drill to drill it out, going to pick up a small easy out tomorrow. Other was a TC Scout with a plugged nipple and a loaded sabot. Could not use my CO2 EZ Unloader because of the vented nipple design. Pulled bullet and sabot disassembled and got nipple cleared. Nice little crack out the back door when I used a cap to clear what was left of the powder charge. Finally got a chance to look through the plastic grocery bag of stuff that they handed me with last weekends Old Army purchase; box of 103 Speer round balls, Brass cylinder style powder flask/measure full of what looks like Pyrodex (slightly caked), unopened tin of caps, inline capper, tube of bullet lube, original Ruger nipple wrench, original manual and Old Army Label for the Ruger box, a small brass adjustable powder measure and what I thought were two more tins of caps were tan doughnut shaped hard plastic over powder wads that I had never seen before. Serial number is from 1983 mfg. Pleased with this purchase is an understatement. If I were to put the original box, nipple wrench, and manual on fleabay (no way) it would probably bring at least half what I paid for the lot. Plan to make some smoke over the holidays this year. :-D

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