Home, with Dashiell

by brionic @, Saturday, October 06, 2012, 12:44 (4378 days ago)

We brought him home yesterday after seven weeks in Cincinnati for his liver transplant and more chemo.

We are overjoyed to be together again. His first request was to pick up our brittany, Cider, from the breeder who was keeping her safe for us.

His second request was to have a 'big' fire, so I busted up some standing dead walnut with a new/old jersey axe and we enjoyed a particularly glorious, warming campfire by starlight, under our oaks.

His third request was to play with his Li'l Buckaroo rig from Simply Rugged. He loves it, Rob, and we're working on his drawstroke ;)

Then he surprised the hell out of us by doing a somersault in the den, and proclaiming "let's party all night!"

Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement and support. We aren't out of the woods yet, but we are happy to be together, home, and able to enjoy the autumn wind.


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