save them as an investment

by Otony, Wednesday, October 03, 2012, 23:24 (4380 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

That is not a bad idea, of course. But looking in the safe right now, I have 32 assorted pistols. I still want to pick up another Ruger .44 Special Blackhawk and a Crosman 1701P, which would make 34 all together.

We have eight hands total in this family, four left, four right, already figured out "who gets what" and that still leaves a boat load o' guns. Gonna turn some into cash, won't be the first time.

A good handheld GPS for the SAR team is going to run at least 200+ dollars and up. A good 2-way radio is another 100 to 200 bucks as well. Then there are the Red Cross classes, first aid equipment, new cold weather sleeping bag, new hiking boots, yadda-yadda-yadda. Figure on a minimum of a thousand to get my foot in the door. Sure, I can muddle through with less, and re-use older equipment, but I look at this as a service to my fellow human bean.

Then there is the new airgun stuff. For all the hoopla, we probably shoot more airguns right now than anything else. Mostly 'cause the kids are still pretty little, but also because it is quiet fun. If I get into benchrest air rifles, I need (there is that word again) a good spotting scope, wind flags, rests, blah-blah, woof-woof. To me it is simply a sin to spend more when there is $$ stacked up in the safe. that is why I periodically sell things off. Some things, not all.

I can afford to sell a few things. About the only handguns I truly miss are a very clean Luger and an Italian SS Remington replica I bought as a result of one of Skeeter's articles (still have that issue of Shooting Times though!). There have been plenty of others gone down the road, hundreds likely, but those are the ones I find myself regretting. All the others, Smiths, Colts, Rugers, what have you, in the grand scheme of things, I won't need 'em in the end, hell, I don't need 'em now, so whats the difference?

It is simply turning one kind of toy/hobby/tool into another. Not like I am voting democrat......;-)

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