What Would You Take Along?

by Drago, Monday, October 01, 2012, 22:33 (4382 days ago)

I watched my DVD's about Dick Proeneke again. For those who don't know his story, Mr. Proeneke retired to the Alaska wilderness in the late 1960's. He built himself a comfortable log home and documented the process with a movie camera. Those films and some others he made are available on DVD and are a staple (at least around here) of the PBS pledge drives.
Besides his tools and camera equpment, he took along two firearms, a sporterized Springfield .30-06, and a .357 single action revolver.( A fellow on another board said he had known Mr. Proeneke's brother and was told that it was a Hawes revolver.)
So, if you were going to retire to the wilderness, what firearms would you take? I think I'd add a .22 and 12 gauge shotgun to the battery above and change out that Hawes for a Ruger Blackhawk.

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