Dang, another old picture from Facebook friends,

by Dennis @, Sunday, September 30, 2012, 16:14 (4384 days ago)

I was running this yarder skidding logs back around '88 or'89 when we got aholt of one of them big old Doug fir logs abit smaller (altho not much smaller) than the one in the last photo. She came a little then hung up and they blew a stop I dogged the brakes about the time she took off down hill and before I could cut loose of the sky line brake she pulled the yarder up out of it's bad and stood her on her nose along side the 100 foot tall metal spar tree. Stayed like that for 2 weeks before Ins. adjusters and all that was done and we could get her back down. It was a scarey few seconds as I rode her out. Dennis [image]

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