Enjoyed the review, but

by Catoosa, Saturday, September 29, 2012, 22:52 (4384 days ago) @ Dave B

to look at it from a slightly different perspective - that of a retired old fart on fixed income and not a lot of it for fancy stuff I may never really NEED.

A few years ago I bought a Remington 700 ADL Synthetic in .308. Under $400 at that time. I put the best scope I could afford on it - a Leupold VariX II 3-9, that cost nearly as much as the rifle. The rifle is black, but it is in no way "tactical". I doubt I could fight a war with it without breaking it, but it would likely last as long as I would. It is lightweight, easy to carry and handle, quick to the shot, and can be worked about as fast as possible for a boltgun. Oh yeah, it is ACCURATE.

Most significant drawback is the 4-round blind magazine - not much in the way of firepower there. I think there are conversion kits that would enable the basic M700 to be fitted with a detachable magazine, but I have not bothered to hunt one up.

The point is, it would seem that with a little imagination the M700 could form the basis for an inexpensive but fairly effective "scout" rifle.

Just cogitatin'.......

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