Interesting history of islam

by Charles, Saturday, September 29, 2012, 16:14 (4385 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

This video bothers me a bunch. Not because he is wrong, for he is not, but because he claims that nobody knows this history but him, that is an all new discovery. From June of 1970 until May of 1973 I was a full time student in a graduate Seminary and studied among other things the history of Christanity. This is the same history I studied 40 years ago, it is nothing new and has never been forgotton.

The problem is there are very few people who give a damn about ancient history and fewer still who will take the time to study it. Do that and you will find Islam expanded at the point of a bloody swords and pushed Christanity back into Europe and drew and iron ring around it and let it stew for hundreds of years in what we call the Dark Ages. During that time the over bearing nature of the church developed and the inward turned church grew corrupt and bore very little resemblence to the Christianity of the New Testament times. It took the Reformation (Martin Luther) to start to roll that back, although there were plenty of dreadful interchristian wars in the process.

I thought everybody knew that Islam had as it's goal the destruction of all civilizations but theirs. They want every human being a Muslim or living under their harsh rule and paying tribute to them.

I am glad this guy did this video, but he does claim to much for himself as the lone understander of ancient history and Islam's role in it. Surely the American and European people have not become so numb they don't remember their own history. American history did not start in 1607 at Jamestown, the people that came here brought their history with them. We are not that dumb and numb are we? Please say we are not!

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