Following in her sisters footsteps....

by Byron, Sunday, September 23, 2012, 09:22 (4391 days ago)

My beloved Caitlyn has been gone for 2 years now and her little sister
Grace is beginning to show the powerful energy that marked Cait's life.

During a dinner table discussion about life and the need to be careful the talked turned to combatives and the common strip mall sport karate that is fancied to "self-defense"...

In my very limited experience, a YMCA trained boxer that spars a bit on the weekends can consistantly knock the the stuffing out of most karate black belts within 15 seconds...without breaking a sweat and before the karate fighter can get his mojo on.... surprise...Grace decided that she will be a boxer....

Somehow my kids are doing OK in spite of me....

Caitlyn is proud of her little sister...



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