Thanks, Rob. My son buys his own guns, they like to "adopt"

by AkRay, Thursday, September 20, 2012, 12:11 (4394 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Jenna kind of surprised me last year when she said that she wanted to hunt a grouse. Both of her female cousins had already been hunting grouse and had shot some and they told her that it was a lot of fun. I didn't want to push my things like hunting and shooting on my kids too much, but they seem to be pretty interested anyway.

We went out every chance we could last year, but high school seniors tend to pack their schedules, so we didn't get out enough. I asked her last week if she wanted to go again so she found a day where she could and we went. I haven't been caribou hunting in years, but I bet she would love doing that. My whole family probably would. That's something to save for the future, I guess.

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