Star Modelo BM

by Catoosa, Tuesday, September 18, 2012, 22:33 (4395 days ago) @ Remington40x


The Stars do not have a grip safety. The first reason I can think of for the manual safety to be difficult to engage is a glitch in the fit between the safety and hammer. The shaft that the safety rotates on fits into a semicircular cutout in the back of the hammer when the hammer is cocked and the safety is applied. You can see the cutout below the hammer spur when the hammer is down. This is what makes the safety so foolproof - however, depending on how the individual gun is fitted, sometimes you have to push the safety up pretty firmly to get it to engage. If the hammer is not held back quite far enough by the sear, the safety has to cam the hammer back a bit against the pressure of the mainspring so that the safety shaft will turn into the cutout.

If you handle the gun again, pull the hammer back slightly beyond the full cocked position and see if the safety will engage. If it will, that's the problem. Then try pushing the safety lever up pretty hard with the hammer on the full cock notch. If the safety goes on, you will probably see the hammer move back slightly as the safety cams it back out of engagement with the sear. If the safety won't engage with moderate upward pressure, the safety shaft will probably need some fitting. It can be done, but if you don't have access to a gunsmith who is familiar with how it works, you might be better off to just pass that one up. In a properly fitted Star, the safety will work with a positive snap both up and down, but it should not take a great deal of pressure either way.

Good luck and good shooting!

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