I have several....

by JD, Western Washington, Tuesday, September 18, 2012, 14:48 (4396 days ago) @ RangerBob

I have a Weaver 2x-7x rimfire and it is a excellent scope.

I have a Nikon 3x-9x Prostaff Rimfire with bullet drop reticle on my 10-22T. It is a great scope with optics that are beyond excellent and I love the bullet drop reticle, it allows sure hits on gophers out to 125 yards plus. Only down side is that it is a relatively big scope. I'll be buying more of these scopes!!!!!!

I have a number of Leupold 4x and 2x-7x rimfire scopes on various 22 rifles, and they are excellent and trim enough to look proportional and classy on a rimfire rifle.

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