Ivory grips

by Charles, Saturday, September 01, 2012, 18:36 (4413 days ago)

I treated myself to a pair of seconds (ivory) from Nutmeg Sports. Poking around on the Internet, I read where many folks recommended covering them with mineral oil overnight to keep them from shrinking. This doesn't change the color, just keeps them from shrinking.

Being a literal sort, I put them in a shallow dish and poured mineral oil over them until they were covered and left them for about 12 hours.

Well, I took them out and let me tell you the mineral oil bath does indeed change the color. It added about 20 years of use to them and the the light yellow color makes the grain really "pop" They look really nice. They no longer look like white plastic grips.

The only downside is the small repaired crack that made them seconds pops also. But that was bound to happen in time and I will call it a character line.

Just passing this along..

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