In that gun...

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Saturday, September 01, 2012, 16:09 (4413 days ago) @ woody

or any other big-framed Ruger, I'd start that bullet over 13 grains of HS6. That has been sort of a magic charge for me and it has worked wonderfully with every 250-255 grain 45 Colt bullet I've tried it over, always getting around 1050 fps from a 5 1/2" old Vaquero. Accuracy has been all this shooter could use, sandbagged or not.

I understand the Unique thing. I'm the same way about my go-to pistol powder, W231. I am a minimalist reloader for sure but HS6 is great for the kind of loads you're talking about.

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