
by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Tuesday, August 28, 2012, 09:04 (4417 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Can you at least savor the irony? A crowded theater witnesses a blood-drenched massacre -- while eagerly waiting to watch hours of blood-drenched massacres.

Before these atrocities were standard fare, people died off camera, without blood. A crook who shot a cop was shunned by his peers, never held up as someone to be idolized like today, where entire films glorify the villains. Kids today are virtually trained assassins, inured to immoral levels of violence. You did that.

As a 25-year member of the Society of Professional Journalists, peers have told me their editors suppressed or downplayed stories of armed self defense so they wouldn't encourage copycats. Then broadcasters treat us to endless days of glorified mass murderers, and encourage copycats. You do that.

You're discouraging copycat heroes while perpetually portraying copycat villains, then you scratch your collective heads. Consciously or not, you the media connect those dots. You take your unspoken bias and hoplophobic fear of guns, mix in an immoral and unethical ingredient of grief and horror, and in a beautifully orchestrated promotion push the misguided gun-control agenda -- supplanting the crime-control agenda we desperately seek.

Here's why an intervention is needed: Consider that 80 people left home, never to return, prematurely dead in their cars on the same day 12 were murdered in the awful Batman-movie massacre (please don't besmirch a fine American city when referring to this literally theatrical violence; let the name help frame the blame).

Eighty grieving families, spread out everywhere, not just in one unlucky community. Blood and guts, horror, unspeakable tragedy, children ripped from us, police cars and flashy lights. Where were the cameras in their faces? Why not promote their grief with crocodile-tear remorse? Or does the thought of hounding those car-wreck victims for days horrify even you?

And what about the next day's eighty? And the next? No, the monstrous bias of the media is on display here, dancing in the blood of victims and trumpeting society's miscreants, with effects too offensive to rationalize. For shame, as a CNN anchor scolded me recently.

No, the broadcast pity party national mea culpa grief deluge the "news" media perpetrates on the public is as meaningful as the waiting periods you have jettisoned. You wouldn't dare impose on other grieving families this way, it would be intolerable, reprehensible.

Without accepting it, you are a root cause of the problem. You appear to secretly hope the grief will finally be enough to convince the innocent to relinquish their rights and abandon the products you so misunderstand.

Please realize -- people face the exact same thugs police face. But cops operate in groups, with backup, in body armor, with sniper teams and helicopters. Is that why we need less ammo and smallish bullets in inferior guns? It is we who are the first responders in criminal assaults on ourselves. The police we dial after assaults start are second responders, a point you fail to appreciate.

If the public is limited to little bullets, and only a few of them, the problem of crazy people committing murder will neither resolve nor improve. It's waiting-period logic again. The public needs parity with police, not inferior tools. This is why counseling is appropriate -- so we can discuss this intelligently.

Oh, you can go into denial, talk numbers, point to countries that are not the linchpin of freedom on the planet. Ask about Japan or Switzerland that do not have drug wars or ghettos -- a word you will no longer even use -- yet which is at the heart of what you like to call guns on the street.

Things that will help, like firearms education in our schools, erasing decades of enforced ignorance, confronting your own biases that perpetuate and encourage violent behavior, examining activities of your companion industries, and seeing the "cultural" problem -- until we face these challenges, you'll keep seeking changes the majority of the public will correctly resist. You'll just be frustrated, get nowhere and not understand why.

Meet with me and a few select others for counseling that will truly get to the heart of the matter. Let's get past the firing mechanisms, types of lead or brand name intrigues and into the real-world answers that can reduce or stop this sort of behavior and make our world more safe. Together we can fix this.


Alan Korwin, Publisher

Bloomfield Press

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