Saw 2016 Obama this afternoon. Interesting film.

by Warhawk, Hot Springs, Arkansas, Sunday, August 26, 2012, 22:09 (4419 days ago) @ Hobie
edited by Hobie, Sunday, August 26, 2012, 22:31

My wife and I went to see it yesterday, 11am matinee was packed!

The message and content of the movie was fantastic, the only thing that I (we) didn't like was the herky-jerky camera work that is so common in recent movies. We had to sit up front and all the camera shaking gave us both a headache. Probably wouldn't be a problem on a smaller screen, or from farther back.

I suspect we'll see this on TV before the election.

The 2nd installment of the Atlas Shrugged movie is due out about the first of October. That one won't help the dark prince's chances either.

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