Centerfire Scope on a 22?

by RangerBob, Thursday, August 23, 2012, 07:34 (4422 days ago) @ Bob Hatfield

If you have good cheek weld and practice holding the same way each shot you'll be OK.

That's actually one of my concerns. I have an old steel tube Weaver 22 scope on the rifle now (Marlin 39). It looks perfect on the old rifle, but it's pretty limited. The clarity is poor, the eye box is tiny, and the FOV is narrow.

But I've noticed that the rifle is just not stocked for a scope. Even this tiny 7/8 tube scope make me lift my head off of the stock. And that's not easy to do well with the tiny eye box.

The gun will shoot tiny groups with a scope, but I may actually hit better from field positions with the open sights since I can get a much better cheek weld.

I'm hoping that a scope with a larger eye box will allow some more flexabiliy in head placement. But that could be bad news if the paralax is screwy.


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