I make no judgements on the man's character...

by Charles, Wednesday, August 22, 2012, 10:23 (4423 days ago) @ Sarge

Judgement is a judicial word and means determining the value of a man's soul and it's destination. That is God's business and not mine or anybody else.

That said, in the course of living we have to make evaluations of folks we meet. That is certainly true in Law Enforcement as in every other walk of life. We just can't assume everybody is a hail fellow well met, turn our backs on them, or trust them with our money, or wife or our daughter. Only fools do that.

The New Testament says we shall know people by their fruits. You don't get apples from an orange tree or cherries from a blue berry bush. So fruit inspection is very helpful in dealing with human beings.

I also do not judge Charles Askins,but his fruit seems bitter and rotton to me.

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