A note for those of you who are our prayer partners here...

by Paul ⌂, Monday, August 20, 2012, 13:30 (4425 days ago)

Hey guys,

I'm sitting in El Dorado International Airport in Colombia. Just had lunch with my darling and we're waiting for the flight to the US that leaves early tomorrow morning. As of this writing we still do not have transportation after our first week in the U.S.. The VW has not yet sold and we were hoping to use the money from the sale to acquire transportation for our travels in the U.S.. We've had offers of vehicles, but none within the area we need to be able to pick up and drop off once we head back to Colombia in December (MoArKsOk "four state area"). However, we know that the Lord is preparing the way and that He will provide what we need. So I'm putting out a prayer request regarding the matter. Thanks, guys. We greatly appreciate all the prayers you've offered on our behalf over the years. A forum that prays together, stays together. That's something I've always appreciated about our group here, we lift up each others needs of all kinds. Thanks!

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