Fun at the gas station...

by Catoosa, Friday, August 17, 2012, 22:42 (4428 days ago) @ Sarge

My late brother-in-law, Jim Wallace, was a hell of a fellow. Give you the shirt off his back if you needed it, but it wasn't a good idea to try to take it.

Years ago in one of the less scenic sections of Chattanooga, a large gentleman of color walked up to Jim as he was gassing up his car and demanded his money. Jim calmly pulled the nozzle out of the filler, pointed it at the guy's belt buckle, and squeezed the handle, soaking the front of the guy's pants from the waist down with good ol' leaded regular. Jim then pulled his Zippo lighter out with his other hand, flipped open the cover, put his thumb on the wheel, and said "Whatcha gonna do now, man?"

Jim said later that he didn't know a guy that big could run that fast.

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