New York Gun Show sale "crackdown." It's all about the

by Mark @, Thursday, December 01, 2011, 18:44 (4689 days ago)

the public's safety. Thanks for the security Mr. Schneiderman. I guess all the drug dealers and theives have been caught or he would not have time for this garbage.


"Operation Background Bust" Shows Blatant
Disregard for Gun Show Laws Requiring Background Checks

Vendors Sold Guns to Customers Who Disclosed They
Had Orders of Protections Against Them - Fully
Knowing They Couldn't Pass a Background Check

AG Calls On Lawmakers to Address 'Accountability-Gap' in Gun Show Law

Schneiderman: Illegal Sales at Gun Shows Endanger
the Public by Giving Felons, Terrorists and the
Dangerously Mentally Ill an Open and Anonymous
Marketplace to Buy Guns Without a Background Check

ALBANY - Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman
today announced that his office has filed
criminal charges against 10 gun sellers from
across New York State who violated the state's
background check requirement for the sale of
firearms at gun shows. This investigation
exposed both a flagrant and dangerous disregard
of the law that jeopardizes the public's safety
and the need to immediately strengthen the
state’s existing gun show laws to better protect all New Yorkers.

As a result of the investigation Schneiderman's
office is also sending out cease and desist
letters to gun show operators based upon the
violations found to date. The letters direct
them to comply with the law and to cease
practices that permit gun sales without
background checks. Additionally, later today the
Attorney General will issue subpoenas to several
gun show operators seeking documentation and
testimony related to the respective gun show
events. The Attorney General's investigation is ongoing.

"The illegal sale of guns at gun shows endangers
the public by giving felons, terrorists and the
dangerously mentally ill an open and anonymous
marketplace to buy guns without a background
check. Our investigators found a blatant
disregard for the law where sellers made the
conscious decision to sell deadly weapons to
individuals who admitted they would not pass a
background check," said Attorney General
Schneiderman. "Operation Background Bust not only
exposed major flaws in the gun show laws but also
proved how ‘off the books’ operations jeopardize
public safety by making it easy for guns to fall
into the wrong hands. In addition to filing
criminal charges against the sellers, and
demanding that the gun show operators cease and
desist from engaging in illegal practices, my
office plans to work with the Legislature to hold
gun show operators liable when guns are sold at
their gun shows without the required background check. "

The Attorney General's eight-month investigation
into the practices of vendors at gun shows
throughout the State revealed that on many
occasions, weapons sellers at gun shows failed to
ensure that a National Instant Criminal
Background (NICS) check was conducted on the
prospective gun buyer, as required by state
law. These illegal sales, classified as
misdemeanors, took place even after undercover
investigators told the gun sellers that they had
orders of protection against them and could not pass a background check.

The investigation further exposed a gap in
current law which holds only the individual gun
seller, not the gun show operator, legally
accountable for failing to ensure that a
background check on the prospective gun purchaser
has been conducted. As the investigation clearly
revealed, this “honor system” for conducting
background checks at gun shows is not working and
must be supplemented with a system that also
holds the gun show operator liable when a gun
sale takes place without the required NICS background check.

Beginning in March of this year, undercover
officers from the Attorney General's office
purchased weapons from sellers at gun shows in
Erie, Genesee, Saratoga, Schoharie, Suffolk and
Washington counties. The 10 defendants charged
today chose to sell a firearm to the undercover
officer with brazen disregard for the required
NICS background check. Typically, the undercover
investigator told the seller that he had an order
of protection against him and would not be able to pass a background check.

NICS background checks are required for all gun
purchases at gun shows throughout the State, as
provided by General Business Law §897. A person
who fails a NICS background check is ineligible
to purchase or possess a gun under federal law. of the story at the link above.

And the ATF let 2000 guns walk to Mexico

by Miles Fortis ⌂ @, CIVITATES AMERICAE, Thursday, December 01, 2011, 19:40 (4689 days ago) @ Mark

You think the AG in AZ will do anything?


ATF is known servicewide as the armpit agency of the civil service.

And the ATF let 2000 guns walk to Mexico

by bob @, Thursday, December 01, 2011, 19:47 (4689 days ago) @ Miles Fortis

AGREED! Treasury people were the hardest to work with on any of our Task Forces! Seemed to think they were "EXEMPT" from any gummint reg with which they disagreed. and for what it's worth, the current AG is the worst holdover from the Janet Reno era.

It's all about the AG getting his name in the paper.

by cas, Thursday, December 01, 2011, 20:41 (4689 days ago) @ bob

That and scaring people about guns. They did almost a year long state wide investigation, spent lord knows how many tens, or hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars to get 10 misdemeanor arrests. (arrests for something that wasn't even a crime a couple years ago) Hell they could have gone to any street corner in the Bronx and made 10 misdemeanor arrests in about 20 minutes.

Dog and pony show for our rabidly anti gun AG. In all honesty it's downright funny that THAT is all they could come up with.

Hey after Sheriff Joe ran them out of Arizona, they had

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Friday, December 02, 2011, 11:19 (4689 days ago) @ cas

nowhere else to go...thuggery. But yeah shame on anyone that would sell a gun after hearing a person tell them that they were a prohibited person.

Of the Troops & For the Troops

And the ATF let 2000 guns walk to Mexico

by John Meeker @, West End of Lake Erie, Thursday, December 01, 2011, 22:14 (4689 days ago) @ Miles Fortis

A good decade or so ago, Soldier or Fortune ran some articles on 'insider info' about the some regional ATF unit antics -- both on and OFF duty. I had always wondered why the BATF'rs seemed to egregiously violate their victims in some of those questionable busts. There were various Law School Journal articles regarding civil rights violations starting in the '70's [IIRC]. The SOF reports made a good case that their thug-like law enforcement was no accident, either in personnel selection, training or execution.

The fact that the agency STILL gets a pass, under so many different administrations remains a mystery to me.

They get a continual pass because

by Miles Fortis ⌂ @, CIVITATES AMERICAE, Friday, December 02, 2011, 16:42 (4688 days ago) @ John Meeker

guns in the hands of the peones scares the crap out of TPTB.

Loughner may have been a loon, but he was a perfect exemplar of what is possible.

No, ATF didn't "Let" them go they actually paid for them to

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Friday, December 02, 2011, 11:12 (4689 days ago) @ Miles Fortis

go FBI was involved up to their Eye brows as well it was FBI paid informants buying the guns. It was the FBI that stole a GUN Runner provided pistol from the crime scene where a border patrolman was murdered. It is the Justice Department (at least) pulling the strings... Maddening.

Of the Troops & For the Troops

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