Charter Arms

by Warhawk, Hot Springs, Arkansas, Sunday, August 12, 2012, 13:14 (4433 days ago)

I've all the sudden accumulated an assortment of Charter Arms revolvers.

Last winter I stopped into a little hunting store near here and they had a 3 inch Charter .38 on the used shelf, for $135. Yes, $135. I just knew there had to be something wrong with it, but nope, it's like new. I couldn't get my billfold out fast enough. Shoots great too.

Then 2 weeks ago I ran across a 3 inch stainless Charter .22 with adjustable sights. Sweet little kit gun. And it was cheap too.

And Friday, work took me over to Irving Texas, where there are a couple of good pawn shops, so naturally I had to stop in. First one didn't have anything that interested me, but #2 had a very nice Charter 44 Special bulldog on the shelf. Other than a a turn line on the cylinder from a pin on the frame, it's in great shape. It followed me home too.

These are all made by the old Charter Arms company. I need to drag them all out and get a family photo.

I need to drag them all out and get a family photo. YES, you

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Sunday, August 12, 2012, 13:16 (4433 days ago) @ Warhawk


Of the Troops & For the Troops

Yes Pictures!!!

by Fivegunner @, LOWELL Mi., Sunday, August 12, 2012, 16:47 (4433 days ago) @ Warhawk

I like the old charter arms handguns. Could I ask what was the price on the .22???:-D :-D :-D :-D

Yes Pictures!!!

by Warhawk, Hot Springs, Arkansas, Sunday, August 12, 2012, 19:26 (4433 days ago) @ Fivegunner

$250 for the .22, $275 for the 44

Great finds, haven't seen one in a while.

by Cherokee @, Medina, Ohio, Sunday, August 12, 2012, 19:55 (4433 days ago) @ Warhawk


Funny - I see used Tauruses and a few Smiths but not Charter

by stonewalrus, Sunday, August 12, 2012, 20:10 (4433 days ago) @ Cherokee


You made a killin'...

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Sunday, August 12, 2012, 20:56 (4433 days ago) @ Warhawk

I gave 200 for a clean, 70's Undercover a year and a half ago and was glad to get it. It took a few odd parts to get it purring and I worked on the sights some, to perfect the zero. This time of year it see as much holster time, as anything on the place.

Charter Arms

by RidinLou, Middle TN, Sunday, August 12, 2012, 21:15 (4433 days ago) @ Warhawk

Years ago co-worker had one of those Pathfinders for sale and offered a try it/buy it special. I walked up to the firing line, loaded it and shot at a clay target on the 25 yard berm and broke it. The next two shots broke the pieces and I bought it. A brand new one came my way a year later. It was so tight that I got an occasional misfire for about 2-300 rounds then all settled down.

The front sight fell off of both of them. It appeared to be glued on or a really poor "solder job".

Had 2 of the 38 Spl Undercovers and recently realized that one is missing. Have been trying to remember who I might have "loaned" it to.

I bought a new SS Bulldog for a carry gun and the barrel looked it was threaded it was so rough from the "reaming". I showed it to a friend that is a machinist and he asked when I had shot black powder in it. I was so exasperated about the rings the full length I had not notice the chunks missing inside the barrel. Did not even take the tag off before I sent it back to the manufacturer. The second barrel was better. My Bulldog was new SS and I have had issues with misfires/failures to fire on the first primer strike. It was going to be a carry piece, but the failure to fire precluded that (see Pathfinder story above). 180 HP and 200 RNFP lead shot low and right, 245 grain (429421) lead load shot to point of aim

A friend had one of the OLD original Bulldogs and it was a shooting son-of-a-gun.

Charter Arms

by Bud, Monday, August 13, 2012, 08:24 (4432 days ago) @ RidinLou

I have this 44spl Bulldog that goes with me everywhere....about 20 yrs so far. I clean it about once a year. I just never ran across anything else that is so pleasant to carry or keep in the truck. Just never see Charter Arms on the shelves...ever. I'd get the 22 and/or the 38 in a NY minute.

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