225 grain Flathead Update

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Sunday, August 12, 2012, 13:06 (4433 days ago) @ Sarge

Bumped the load up to 5.3 grains of W231 this AM and I ran it over my old Shooting Chrony Beta Master to get the numbers. Keep in mind I am using Heinz 57 brass.

From the Rock Island, average velocity for ten rounds was 787.1 fps with an extreme spread of 43.77 fps and standard deviation of 14.59 fps.

From a late-80's Springfield 1911A1, average velocity for ten rounds was 801.5 fps with an extreme spread of 37.24 fps and standard deviation of 13.41 fps.

The shots I didn't toss, were holding about 4 1/2" at 50 yards. The load does lead a tad, in the first inch of barrel, but that don't seem to hurt the way it shoots. I believe the RI barrel prefers the 200 LSWC for pure accuracy; but the TC may require more velocity to stabilize it well. We'll see.

According to some references this is a max load, with a similar Lee 230 grain; others set the max TC. I'm running CCI Standard Large Pistol primers. Neither primers or brass show any strain and the chronograph don't lie, so I'd say there's some throttle left.

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