Price Check

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Saturday, July 28, 2012, 17:57 (4448 days ago) @ Charles

Just from a quick cruise around the auction houses, I'd say 850 or thereabouts depending on age and condition. About 1980 BC I was dragging around an old 3 1/2" pre-27 (IIRC) in a Jordan holster- on a River Belt, of course. Sumbuck was checkered all over the topsrap and had a sweet trigger in either mode. My gift for finding outliers was just as good then as it is now, however, and that gun would barely stay in the 9 of a B27 at 50 yards, no matter what you fed it. Bum cylinder perhaps, but it was the only inaccurate N frame that ever crossed my path.

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