Single Six Accuracy

by Art @, Littleton, Colorado, Wednesday, July 25, 2012, 19:36 (4451 days ago)

I have always been questioning the accuracy of Ruger's Single Six convertable. Below is a group I shot from a bench from twenty yards. The ammo was 22 L.R. CCI Mini Mag solid point that I ran through the Handed Line SGB tool. It measures just under an inch. I can't always shoot this well but I must have been holding my mouth just right. I purchased the SGB tool several years ago due to an article that Mr. Taffin wrote. He shot groups before and after with a Ruger auto and the groups were smaller after the ammo was altered. Sure am glad I bought it then since they are now out of business. I am wondering if by filing off the nose if the diameter of the bullet is slightly enlarged and my barrel is happy with that size.



Single Six Accuracy

by cubrock, Wednesday, July 25, 2012, 22:04 (4451 days ago) @ Art

Whatever the reason, I'd keep using that tool!

Single Six Accuracy

by Bud, Thursday, July 26, 2012, 08:14 (4450 days ago) @ cubrock

That is excellent shooting on your part Art. There is one more thing you can do to help your SS......add a Belt Mountain cylinder pin. I've got them in all my SS's and I could see marked improvement in each. A 5.5" SS was a great shooter before I added the Belt Mtn pin, but afterward it was just amazing...lil tiny cloverleaves. I'd ordered a stainless pin for a Bisley 22, but he sent a blued one. I just put it in the 5.5" SS and ordered another Stainless one....glad I did.

Single Six Accuracy

by Art @, Littleton, Colorado, Thursday, July 26, 2012, 09:03 (4450 days ago) @ Bud

I do have a Belt Mountain pin both locking and non locking. Also, it has an excellent action job and I have a modified patridge front sight that is used on the Ruger autos (got that idea from Hoot-thanks alot). I believe all of these minor alterations pay off.


Single Six Accuracy

by Charles, Thursday, July 26, 2012, 11:18 (4450 days ago) @ Art

That is darn good shooting. I have one of those Hanned tools, but never tested it for accuracy.

All Singles Sixes are no the same. Ruger did some funky things with the barrel specs for a time. I have a 1958 vintage SS that will shoot as well as any 22 LR revolver I have ever had in my hand.

Jim Taylor has a SS that his dad fitted with a piece of Winchester 52 barrel. It also has a trigger pull so light that it would seem the pulse in your wrist would drop the hammer, but it holds true. Now that sixgun can shoot!

Single Six Accuracy

by Art @, Littleton, Colorado, Thursday, July 26, 2012, 14:35 (4450 days ago) @ Charles

This one is only about two years old and is a 4 5/8 stainless. After an acton job it has about a 2 pound trigger. I bought it for magnum use since I have a 4 inch no dash 617 but I am going to really test it for the long rifle. Sure wish I could always shoot this well. I shot a group the day before with some Aquilla Super Maximum that also were run through the Hanned Line tool but did not have my camera. Three rounds were touching with two opening the group to about 2 inchs and then one (maybe a flyer) that opened it to about 3 inches. Pretty pleased with that one to. I was in very bright sun shine and was struggling with the sights. Thanks for your comments.


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