Finished the sight work...

by Sarge, Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 01:23 (4453 days ago)


The front sight finished at 0.174" & I re-profiled it for easy holstering.


I shoot (or attempt to shoot) one-handed a lot anymore, so checked the final zero in that manner at 30 yards. It’s not the best group I ever shot, but it sure was nice to see it fall where it needed to go.


More of the same at 50 yards. I started holding a just under the bull, which are the low shots. The promising cluster right under it began to form when I started touching the bull with the front sight. I can see that if I want to cut X’s at 50 yards, I’m going to have to use a center hold.


Finally, the gun had to meet my expectations for zero and combat accuracy- ‘Minute of Noggin’ at 50 yards from an available rest. Three rounds each of Remington 230 grain Golden Saber and Amscor Precision 230 ball. The latter are marked with two lines and went into just over three inches.


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